Thursday, January 08, 2009

phosphodiester bond

classes started today. had chem in the morning. was almost....too good to be true. then we had ESL and had like this group activity. was quite interesting. and. funny. 

did you know that in South African english, a traffic light is referred to as a 'robot'? 

HAH. neither did i. so in a way, it was pretty informative. after that we thought we had a free period since LAN hasnt started but noooooooooooo, we had a talk on good first impressions. learnt that there are many types of handshakes which signify different things. ask me one day, i'll show you. quite cool. then after the talk was our break. went to eat at a different mamak today. but i prefer the other one. this one's too....crowded. and poor yee mung's not used to mamak overload so tomorrow we'll probably eat somewhere else. lol. after our break we went back to class for psych. psych was fun. ish. our lecturer is quite cool. she's young and i guess she relates to us more. she gave us the assessment breakdown and then we had this group activity. we had to pick a movie to analyse based on four psychological factors. we chose dark night. daaaaaaark night. pretty psycho so it fit really well. and theeeen we had the last period which was bio. hence my nerd-ish title. hehh. ask me what THAT is :) i can tell yooou :))))

shut up thayne, i know you know. hmmph. 

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