Thursday, August 09, 2007

please, let it be over.

i've just come to a devastating conclusion. i'm as bad as some of those i criticise. i'm as pathetic. i'm as fucked up. and it occured to me that i'm not as superb as i thought i was. and no, it's not humbling. like i said, it's devastating.

i need someone to help me sort things out. like a sort of co-pilot that drives my life with me. i just cant seem to grasp that being. or non-being, who knows? not fucking me thats for sure. i'm like an alien to my own life. viewing from the spyglass. what do i see?

i see me. crying and screaming inside. crying and screaming inside. crying and screaming inside. crying and screaming inside. crying and screaming inside. crying jans dsknf md...........



i asked for it.

no one SHOULD help me.

and yet, i pray that someone will.

this is the defining moment in my life so far when i can truly say..

i hate myself.

...and mean it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nobody's perfect. I feel the same way about myself too sometimes; I feel like such a hypocrite. But we can always try to improve and make ourselves better. =D Lynnie and I love you babe.