Saturday, January 27, 2007

weird day.

woke up at about 9 something today. hoped i'd feel the least bit better but no, not really. went downstairs for breakfast with the familay. ate didnt talk much. went to KIZ SPORTS bsc after that. linah and caitliyne's day out. as a post birthday treat for caitliyne. (fyi they're my cousins. 5 and 2 respectively.) hence, the KIZ SPORTS.

see, it's one of those play areas like twinkles last time with the HUGE enclosure for climbing&sliding and what not. so naturally, i didnt expect i'd get involved in the aforementioned.

life is like a little child jumping out from behind a bush going "BOO!"

it surprises me. i soon found myself climbing&sliding and what not along with the two mak neneks. i went two rounds then i got tired. lol. we left about 2 hrs later. went for physio at 4. see the title of my post? yeah it's cos of this mainly. okay i'll start at the beginning.

went to see a sports doctor yesterday to investigate the pain in my tailbone. turns out it's a slip disc in the lower spine. hence the emo-ness yesterday. this means:

1. no sports for a month.

he specifically said so. arrhghghghghhg so fuggin convenient nay?? so yeah, no cheer. i'll still go for dance but no heavy stuff. and so went for physio today. was damn weird. first they put some sticly thingys down yr legs and these thingys vibrate okay. so it feels like yr leg is being electrocuted. then they did the ultrasound on my back. with the coldcoldcold gel. it got warmer tho. then they put more sticky thingys on my back and did this ice treatment thing.

the ice was so cold, it was hot.

seriously. had it on for 15mins. that was all. it was okay, better than i expected but it was just too weird. too much weirdness in a day doesn't do a person good.

and OMFG la. steff wasnt chosen for choral for the STUPIDEST REASON IN THE WORLD. wont reveal but yeah GOSH IT PISSES ME OFF. poor girl. poor me! poor us! ahh shyitt!

there's something i need to find out and i need to find out NOW but lyn li isnt replying meeeeeee! i need to know! i guess i'll ask her later i'm seeing her anyway. if my hypothesis is correct, it is a very small world. and it gets smaller.

(the usage of word 'hypothesis' shows the overdose of 4 sci 1.) gosh i need a holiday. gahh! and i lost my hair tie for the 83583865893658365836523568924658942nd time.

woe is me.

oh yeah and yknow that thing supposedly called love,
is currently bola-ing in singapore. if the game isnt on now, stop being a bitch and reply me can not? please&thankyou.

nah just kidding. i love you :)


Anonymous said...

Haha.. I just picked it up so...
A friend of mine asked me to blog ^^


Anonymous said...

OI!!! malaysia kalah!!! ahaha sorry baby i couldnt hear my phone at all heaheahea love u