Monday, August 27, 2007

malaysiaku gemilang.

i realise that i havent posted anything about the gwen concert. well. in a nutshell..


seriously. i MISS it. evenifiwassittinglightyearsawayandhadtopeerthruapairofbinocularstowhichicurrentlyowemyLIFE.

yeah.even if.

OMG it was the best ever! gwen can sing live and THAT'S why we were all so desperate to see her in concert. and now, i'm hooked on all her new songs. i like early winter :) yeah yeah! and AAAAAAAAAAAAFTEEEEEEERRRRRRRR the concert..


haha curi2 la. he found her dressing room and all he found HER! and she signed for all of us! and i got the GWEN STEFANI WARDROBE sign. (its made of paper lah so no its not that bad if one were to steal it) and and and and and....


whhoooopeee! yeah. he did good didnt he? well thats not the best part.!!

and dyou wanna know what she said??

thaddeuscheahchingmin : "hey can you sign these for me they're for my cousins they'r all real bug fans." *note the cousins.*

gwenFRIGGINstefani : "yeah sure!"

HAHAHAHAHA all of us heard it over speakerphone and we screamed like HELL just cos we heard her voice! (we didnt know what she said until later cos we were screaming so we had to ask him..rather sheepishly..later).

yeah. it was so coooooool.

she didnt sing crash tho. strange.


Monday, August 20, 2007

the myth of the backstabbers.

myth my FOOT. gosh i didn't think she'd really do it. for a while, i DID have doubts. or should i say, i gave her the bloody BENEFIT of the doubt. for a while. but it's all oh-so-clear to me now.

she's one genuine, bona fide, indubitable, legit, unvarnished, palpable, honest-to-goodness,(other synonyms welcome), classical, plastic


and STOP using other peoples' names when you want to go out with him just because you arent allowed to. that is just so LOW. get over yourself people aren't going to cover for you forever. i hope you get caught red handed. i PRAY that you do. it's about time you stop fucking around WHILE getting the credit and worship from every other STUPID homosapien who cant see past their goddamn noses.

so sue me.

or get your slave cum driver cum boyfriend to do it for you.

Friday, August 10, 2007

the calm(?) AFTER the storm.

went to UKM today to tour their tissue culture lab. was quite interesting. got lots of pictures (in STEPH'S camera) so i might just decide to post some of em up. saw lots of different speciments and some with funghi and contamination which were just plain blerghh. the dude said that sometimes you cant even BREATHE in the direction of the culturing speciment due to the bagajillions of bacteria transported to the speciment.

omg i sound like a freaking n.e.r.d.

i'm sorry.

nothing special happened today besides the trip to the lab. mainly cos it was quite a bad day for so many of us. serious shit. caused by bloody inconsiderate and full-of-themselves people. person. and cos of people. person. who thinks she's sort of all that who's idea of fun is attacking someone at their weakest point. yeah. brutal.

bm was miss erable today. everyone was in a sucky mood. i was killing myself trying to find a way to fit shaq into the team to go to UKM cos he really wanted to go NO JOKE. and saying no to shaq is

woof woof! *puppy pants and sticks tongue out*
*screech* plsladhjsgtdtysvfghasd hj asSPLAT *puppy gets run over by two trucks and a ktm*

haha those who watch FRIENDS religiously should be familiar with that. but seriously, i couldnt not take shaq. so i called my mum from school and asked her to beg the driver to allow one more person into the cab.

and he said YES! so i was like all happyhappyjoyjoy after that. twas all good. well, not all la. the constant niggling that the fact that it-whom-shall-not-be-named still existed in the world...yeah, that CANT be shaken.

*grumblegrumble*..15minutes..didnt even apologise...*swearandcurse*

oooh ohh! i'm going to pd tmrw. for the SOY concert. i hope its good. i've never seen them before. heard of them, but not seen or associated with them. really hope its good.

i mss jcq.
i'm seeing her tmrw tho!
yay! *miseries FLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYY out the window*

*temporarily tho, wanna take a bet?*

Thursday, August 09, 2007

please, let it be over.

i've just come to a devastating conclusion. i'm as bad as some of those i criticise. i'm as pathetic. i'm as fucked up. and it occured to me that i'm not as superb as i thought i was. and no, it's not humbling. like i said, it's devastating.

i need someone to help me sort things out. like a sort of co-pilot that drives my life with me. i just cant seem to grasp that being. or non-being, who knows? not fucking me thats for sure. i'm like an alien to my own life. viewing from the spyglass. what do i see?

i see me. crying and screaming inside. crying and screaming inside. crying and screaming inside. crying and screaming inside. crying and screaming inside. crying jans dsknf md...........



i asked for it.

no one SHOULD help me.

and yet, i pray that someone will.

this is the defining moment in my life so far when i can truly say..

i hate myself.

...and mean it.

Thursday, August 02, 2007

dnaegrsouly sxaey bbay ||

i love love love love love my new layout. was quite 'in the mood' so i decided to change my whole entire layout, update everything including links and about me's.

enjoy <3

dont break me!

went to school this morning in a prrrty foul mood. not sure why, i just couldn't bring myself to be nice to anyone. i really wasn't bothered. lasted through the whole of chem too. now i say, thats a bloody record! it-whom-shall-not-be-named (according to steph) pissing me off as usual by just being alive. so that REALLY brightened up my day. wanted to get my chem marks today, but i totally forgot. AND my est marks. AND my bio marks. i wasnt in school the day when they gave them out so yeah, am results deprived. i got a lot more As than my PA-THE-TIC mid-year results but it doesnt really count. (they do on bad days though).

steph had the amazing idea of making characters out of all our classmates and four lucky teachers! she got to be spongesteph squareskirt and she made me laila&stitch. the one so far that takes the cake is.....*drum roll*.......


kkksshhh....I AM YOUR BACKSIDE!.......

some of the rest were :-

MegaRong (Megatron of Transformers) for Seng Rong

Keijzilla (go figure) for Kei Jin

CinderIma (if you dont know this just jump off the roof) for Ima

Maz Possible (Disney's Kim Possible) for Mazy

Adri & the GIANT peach (James and the giant peach by Roald Dahl) for Adri. we later resorted to cancelling out the '&' sign.

Timon and Pak Keii (Timon & Pumba of The Lion King) for PakKeii. he doesnt mind, dont worry.

ManChinNian United (Man. U) for ChinNian

Chee Yung Little (Chicken Little) for CheeYung

SpiderMung (Spiderman. or Spiderpig if you wish) for YeeMung

and for ONE of the FOUR lucky teachers...

YOGES ALMIGHTY! (Bruce almighty) for Mr Yoges.

being our physics teacher, we added the tagline 'Let there be acceleration' to his character.

well i thought it was pretty good.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


i'm so sick of this nonsense. have some respect for me for pete's sake. geez. i'm the one now looking and feeling like a FOOL when you're out gallavanting with that...

forget it.

i have so much to say to you. so so so much. every single time. but no, it never gets across. ever. hence, I END UP LOOKING LIKE THE FOOL. it's not like i expect something in turn. no, i most definately do not. just stop making me regret sympathising and caring so much. please.

they say i have to stop caring.

they say i have to let you make your own mistakes till you learn.

they say they say they say.

i say i cant. i cant let you keep doing this. like i said, i cant watch a trainwreck. but you never listen.

so what is it that you want from the people you call your friends?

that, my dear, is the bagajillion dollar question.
stop being so oblivious. when you sense there's something wrong, speak up. it hurts when you dont.

so what are you gonna do about it?