i need something to do.
i need someplace to go.
i need someone who gets it.
i need to feel like it's not always me.
i need to look and find things that make sense.
i need to stop my habit of wishful thinking.
i need to rely more on something bigger than me.
i need to cry and cry and cry.
i need that shoulder.
i need to stop crying.
i need to fight for personal independance.
i need to quit fighting the damn system.
i need to be less afraid.
i need to learn to love.
i need to learn to forgive.
i need to want to forgive.
i need to stop acting because the costume REALLY itches...
....in this life that is nowadays too fucked up for words.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
DAMN it's been long.
i know i know. it's been AGES. but yeah i've been quite preoccupied with school and exams and all that jazz so i couldn't really blog much. ok fine, at all. there have been lots of things happening lately! one of them being my ability to talk to neera in uk online (i thought at first i wouldn't be able to. her schedule and all) so i found out that she's in musical heaven (wish i was there!) and also celeb heaven! yeah yeah. keira knightley was there and christian slater and dustin hoffman and kelly osbourne. she saw michael caine at the airport as well. AND i now know that a siew pau in london is rm7. one siew pau. tim perreau would SO not be able to survive there!
besides that, a few of us performed for fr.mitchel's birthday party the other day. some of us (gifford, primo, sheyna, LEON, belle, dhayang, and i) did a few of the witness songs. and some of us (megan, mae, jacq, kristie, SHERWIN, and i) did grrrrease lightning! you know, the dance. duh.
mind you, LEON is in caps because he's the vocal prodigy of the group and manyMANYMANY groups, i'm sure. and SHERWIN is in caps cos well, he's a dood. and not all doods would dance to grrrease lightning with 5 other girls okay? takes some serious balls man. respect brotha!
did i just say brotha?
anyway. mooooving on. HAHA. i found out the other day that thaddeus' sister does not eat lamb because she loves sheep. omg la how cute is that? she eats beef tho cos apparently, and i quote from thad, "cows are stupid". lol. she does in fact have a sheepskin rug (the one like mine).
so i ask.
me : so she loves sheep but she has a sheepskin rug??
thad : yeah la cos you dont kill it what you only shave the fella!
me : ...oh yeah.
hmmm. besides that what else happened?
oh yeah. been doing yearbook editing for the pass two days. it's cool la, got to learn loads about photoshop. (dont feel like such a noob anymore!) but it has its downsides la. like, a headache the size of pahang and johor put together at the end of the day. gosh. the yearbook bettr be one HELLUVA YEARBOOK this year! i've yet to learn how to create layouts and all tho. i gotta get my own photoshop for that. and for THAT to happen, i have to get my M-A-C! which brings us to the next hot topic.
mum promised to get me a macbook soon since i gotta learn photoshop and get skype and the whole enchilada. you might ask...why not get skype on this old computer? well. i cant. simply because, my laptop is SO FULL OF STUFF that i CANNOT DELETE like my school stuff, pekas, songs, pictures and whatnot so if i install skype, it'll just completely crash. ask anyone, my hair grows faster than my computer loads. seriously doods. so yeah. i need bigger, better, new and improved, completely re-booted MEMORY! and cool stuff that comes with a mac too la duh. so NOW, due to the whole worlds' master conspiracy to crush my dreams, i'll probably only get it in december. thats worst case senario la. I HOPE.
i know i know, you must be thinking oooh spoilt BRAT! but nooooooo noooooo..i'm really hoping to get it by mid november somewhat like the original plan. no wait..the original plan was like..october. hence the dream crushing drama. sighighigh. nevermind! well well well..hmm what else? oh yeah i've fallen for another phone. (not to say i'm not still in love with mine but lets just say i'm cheating on it, shall we?)
it's the nokia n76! in red!
i'm lazy to put the picture lah so just google it if you want kay? yeah it's a girly girl phone. the red one la. it has like a sort of mirror on the front. ain't that just awesome, girls? JUST what we need ;) seriously. well it looks a lot like the razr but i've always liked the razr so whattheheck! its nokia! its just like heaven! i want it but i dont know if i'd get it. mum said put it on my christmas list and maybe someone or some people would like to pitch in and get me one. wishful wishful thinking yet weirdly realistic. or maybe it's just my OTT positive and optimistic view on the topic.
that's been the life lately. not too bad. nottttt complaining. about any of the above la :) that's all for now. goodnight!!
oh yeah random thought, i think fuck-me-boots are kinda cool. i'd never wear them tho. hehe.
besides that, a few of us performed for fr.mitchel's birthday party the other day. some of us (gifford, primo, sheyna, LEON, belle, dhayang, and i) did a few of the witness songs. and some of us (megan, mae, jacq, kristie, SHERWIN, and i) did grrrrease lightning! you know, the dance. duh.
mind you, LEON is in caps because he's the vocal prodigy of the group and manyMANYMANY groups, i'm sure. and SHERWIN is in caps cos well, he's a dood. and not all doods would dance to grrrease lightning with 5 other girls okay? takes some serious balls man. respect brotha!
did i just say brotha?
anyway. mooooving on. HAHA. i found out the other day that thaddeus' sister does not eat lamb because she loves sheep. omg la how cute is that? she eats beef tho cos apparently, and i quote from thad, "cows are stupid". lol. she does in fact have a sheepskin rug (the one like mine).
so i ask.
me : so she loves sheep but she has a sheepskin rug??
thad : yeah la cos you dont kill it what you only shave the fella!
me : ...oh yeah.
hmmm. besides that what else happened?
oh yeah. been doing yearbook editing for the pass two days. it's cool la, got to learn loads about photoshop. (dont feel like such a noob anymore!) but it has its downsides la. like, a headache the size of pahang and johor put together at the end of the day. gosh. the yearbook bettr be one HELLUVA YEARBOOK this year! i've yet to learn how to create layouts and all tho. i gotta get my own photoshop for that. and for THAT to happen, i have to get my M-A-C! which brings us to the next hot topic.
mum promised to get me a macbook soon since i gotta learn photoshop and get skype and the whole enchilada. you might ask...why not get skype on this old computer? well. i cant. simply because, my laptop is SO FULL OF STUFF that i CANNOT DELETE like my school stuff, pekas, songs, pictures and whatnot so if i install skype, it'll just completely crash. ask anyone, my hair grows faster than my computer loads. seriously doods. so yeah. i need bigger, better, new and improved, completely re-booted MEMORY! and cool stuff that comes with a mac too la duh. so NOW, due to the whole worlds' master conspiracy to crush my dreams, i'll probably only get it in december. thats worst case senario la. I HOPE.
i know i know, you must be thinking oooh spoilt BRAT! but nooooooo noooooo..i'm really hoping to get it by mid november somewhat like the original plan. no wait..the original plan was like..october. hence the dream crushing drama. sighighigh. nevermind! well well well..hmm what else? oh yeah i've fallen for another phone. (not to say i'm not still in love with mine but lets just say i'm cheating on it, shall we?)
it's the nokia n76! in red!
i'm lazy to put the picture lah so just google it if you want kay? yeah it's a girly girl phone. the red one la. it has like a sort of mirror on the front. ain't that just awesome, girls? JUST what we need ;) seriously. well it looks a lot like the razr but i've always liked the razr so whattheheck! its nokia! its just like heaven! i want it but i dont know if i'd get it. mum said put it on my christmas list and maybe someone or some people would like to pitch in and get me one. wishful wishful thinking yet weirdly realistic. or maybe it's just my OTT positive and optimistic view on the topic.
that's been the life lately. not too bad. nottttt complaining. about any of the above la :) that's all for now. goodnight!!
oh yeah random thought, i think fuck-me-boots are kinda cool. i'd never wear them tho. hehe.
Monday, September 24, 2007
falcons 2008 in progress people!
september results SUCK. big time.
finals in like 3 weeks.
revamp, yo!
falcons are going green next year. and gold. green&gold.
finals in like 3 weeks.
revamp, yo!
falcons are going green next year. and gold. green&gold.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
sayoneera :(
yesterday was a hectic beyond hectic day. our choir went for the competition yesterday and we won second place. which was cool cos we started practices really close to the actual day. which was cool cos we then got to miss class. which was actually not so cool come to think of it cos our tests are next week. oh well. i'll manage. i hope. okay then after the competition we got back to school and had class for like 30minutes before school was over. got home, had tuition then had to go to church for mass practice THEN went for like 30minutes for math tuition THEN headed to the airport. at like. 10.15pm.
i thought we were gonna be late but we were there before neera. the line for her check-in was SOooOOOoOooOOOO long. after they finally checked in, we went to mcds cos i hadnt eaten yet. (it was like, 12am by then ok) and i do horribly without food. so yeah, went to mcds and very stupidly gulped down the HOT milo. and experienced like 23rd degree burns on my tongue which i can still feel today. oh well. after that, neera's friends left and soon after that they had to go in as well so we had to go. hugged goodbye and tried (and managed successfully!) not to cry. so did mum. which is totally a major breakthrough.
we waited till they were out of sight and we left.
they kept saying though, "hey this is gonna be you in about 3 years!"
is it? thats the million dollar question.
i thought we were gonna be late but we were there before neera. the line for her check-in was SOooOOOoOooOOOO long. after they finally checked in, we went to mcds cos i hadnt eaten yet. (it was like, 12am by then ok) and i do horribly without food. so yeah, went to mcds and very stupidly gulped down the HOT milo. and experienced like 23rd degree burns on my tongue which i can still feel today. oh well. after that, neera's friends left and soon after that they had to go in as well so we had to go. hugged goodbye and tried (and managed successfully!) not to cry. so did mum. which is totally a major breakthrough.
we waited till they were out of sight and we left.
they kept saying though, "hey this is gonna be you in about 3 years!"
is it? thats the million dollar question.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
i'm glad you guys have met.
over my blog comments.
well done lah you guys rock!
<3 lovelovelove ya'll.
i'm glad you guys have met.
over my blog comments.
well done lah you guys rock!
<3 lovelovelove ya'll.
Monday, August 27, 2007
malaysiaku gemilang.
i realise that i havent posted anything about the gwen concert. well. in a nutshell..
seriously. i MISS it. evenifiwassittinglightyearsawayandhadtopeerthruapairofbinocularstowhichicurrentlyowemyLIFE.
yeah.even if.
OMG it was the best ever! gwen can sing live and THAT'S why we were all so desperate to see her in concert. and now, i'm hooked on all her new songs. i like early winter :) yeah yeah! and AAAAAAAAAAAAFTEEEEEEERRRRRRRR the concert..
haha curi2 la. he found her dressing room and all he found HER! and she signed for all of us! and i got the GWEN STEFANI WARDROBE sign. (its made of paper lah so no its not that bad if one were to steal it) and and and and and....
whhoooopeee! yeah. he did good didnt he? well thats not the best part.
and dyou wanna know what she said??
thaddeuscheahchingmin : "hey can you sign these for me they're for my cousins they'r all real bug fans." *note the cousins.*
gwenFRIGGINstefani : "yeah sure!"
HAHAHAHAHA all of us heard it over speakerphone and we screamed like HELL just cos we heard her voice! (we didnt know what she said until later cos we were screaming so we had to ask him..rather sheepishly..later).
yeah. it was so coooooool.
she didnt sing crash tho. strange.
seriously. i MISS it. evenifiwassittinglightyearsawayandhadtopeerthruapairofbinocularstowhichicurrentlyowemyLIFE.
yeah.even if.
OMG it was the best ever! gwen can sing live and THAT'S why we were all so desperate to see her in concert. and now, i'm hooked on all her new songs. i like early winter :) yeah yeah! and AAAAAAAAAAAAFTEEEEEEERRRRRRRR the concert..
haha curi2 la. he found her dressing room and all he found HER! and she signed for all of us! and i got the GWEN STEFANI WARDROBE sign. (its made of paper lah so no its not that bad if one were to steal it) and and and and and....
whhoooopeee! yeah. he did good didnt he? well thats not the best part.
and dyou wanna know what she said??
thaddeuscheahchingmin : "hey can you sign these for me they're for my cousins they'r all real bug fans." *note the cousins.*
gwenFRIGGINstefani : "yeah sure!"
HAHAHAHAHA all of us heard it over speakerphone and we screamed like HELL just cos we heard her voice! (we didnt know what she said until later cos we were screaming so we had to ask him..rather sheepishly..later).
yeah. it was so coooooool.
she didnt sing crash tho. strange.
Monday, August 20, 2007
the myth of the backstabbers.
myth my FOOT. gosh i didn't think she'd really do it. for a while, i DID have doubts. or should i say, i gave her the bloody BENEFIT of the doubt. for a while. but it's all oh-so-clear to me now.
she's one genuine, bona fide, indubitable, legit, unvarnished, palpable, honest-to-goodness,(other synonyms welcome), classical, plastic
and STOP using other peoples' names when you want to go out with him just because you arent allowed to. that is just so LOW. get over yourself people aren't going to cover for you forever. i hope you get caught red handed. i PRAY that you do. it's about time you stop fucking around WHILE getting the credit and worship from every other STUPID homosapien who cant see past their goddamn noses.
so sue me.
or get your slave cum driver cum boyfriend to do it for you.
she's one genuine, bona fide, indubitable, legit, unvarnished, palpable, honest-to-goodness,(other synonyms welcome), classical, plastic
and STOP using other peoples' names when you want to go out with him just because you arent allowed to. that is just so LOW. get over yourself people aren't going to cover for you forever. i hope you get caught red handed. i PRAY that you do. it's about time you stop fucking around WHILE getting the credit and worship from every other STUPID homosapien who cant see past their goddamn noses.
so sue me.
or get your slave cum driver cum boyfriend to do it for you.
Friday, August 10, 2007
the calm(?) AFTER the storm.
went to UKM today to tour their tissue culture lab. was quite interesting. got lots of pictures (in STEPH'S camera) so i might just decide to post some of em up. saw lots of different speciments and some with funghi and contamination which were just plain blerghh. the dude said that sometimes you cant even BREATHE in the direction of the culturing speciment due to the bagajillions of bacteria transported to the speciment.
omg i sound like a freaking n.e.r.d.
i'm sorry.
nothing special happened today besides the trip to the lab. mainly cos it was quite a bad day for so many of us. serious shit. caused by bloody inconsiderate and full-of-themselves people. person. and cos of people. person. who thinks she's sort of all that who's idea of fun is attacking someone at their weakest point. yeah. brutal.
bm was miss erable today. everyone was in a sucky mood. i was killing myself trying to find a way to fit shaq into the team to go to UKM cos he really wanted to go NO JOKE. and saying no to shaq is like..like..
woof woof! *puppy pants and sticks tongue out*
*screech* plsladhjsgtdtysvfghasd hj asSPLAT *puppy gets run over by two trucks and a ktm*
haha those who watch FRIENDS religiously should be familiar with that. but seriously, i couldnt not take shaq. so i called my mum from school and asked her to beg the driver to allow one more person into the cab.
and he said YES! so i was like all happyhappyjoyjoy after that. twas all good. well, not all la. the constant niggling that the fact that it-whom-shall-not-be-named still existed in the world...yeah, that CANT be shaken.
*grumblegrumble*..15minutes..didnt even apologise...*swearandcurse*
oooh ohh! i'm going to pd tmrw. for the SOY concert. i hope its good. i've never seen them before. heard of them, but not seen or associated with them. really hope its good.
i mss jcq.
i'm seeing her tmrw tho!
yay! *miseries FLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYY out the window*
*temporarily tho, wanna take a bet?*
omg i sound like a freaking n.e.r.d.
i'm sorry.
nothing special happened today besides the trip to the lab. mainly cos it was quite a bad day for so many of us. serious shit. caused by bloody inconsiderate and full-of-themselves people. person. and cos of people. person. who thinks she's sort of all that who's idea of fun is attacking someone at their weakest point. yeah. brutal.
bm was miss erable today. everyone was in a sucky mood. i was killing myself trying to find a way to fit shaq into the team to go to UKM cos he really wanted to go NO JOKE. and saying no to shaq is like..like..
woof woof! *puppy pants and sticks tongue out*
*screech* plsladhjsgtdtysvfghasd hj asSPLAT *puppy gets run over by two trucks and a ktm*
haha those who watch FRIENDS religiously should be familiar with that. but seriously, i couldnt not take shaq. so i called my mum from school and asked her to beg the driver to allow one more person into the cab.
and he said YES! so i was like all happyhappyjoyjoy after that. twas all good. well, not all la. the constant niggling that the fact that it-whom-shall-not-be-named still existed in the world...yeah, that CANT be shaken.
*grumblegrumble*..15minutes..didnt even apologise...*swearandcurse*
oooh ohh! i'm going to pd tmrw. for the SOY concert. i hope its good. i've never seen them before. heard of them, but not seen or associated with them. really hope its good.
i mss jcq.
i'm seeing her tmrw tho!
yay! *miseries FLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYY out the window*
*temporarily tho, wanna take a bet?*
Thursday, August 09, 2007
please, let it be over.
i've just come to a devastating conclusion. i'm as bad as some of those i criticise. i'm as pathetic. i'm as fucked up. and it occured to me that i'm not as superb as i thought i was. and no, it's not humbling. like i said, it's devastating.
i need someone to help me sort things out. like a sort of co-pilot that drives my life with me. i just cant seem to grasp that being. or non-being, who knows? not fucking me thats for sure. i'm like an alien to my own life. viewing from the spyglass. what do i see?
i see me. crying and screaming inside. crying and screaming inside. crying and screaming inside. crying and screaming inside. crying and screaming inside. crying jans dsknf md...........
i asked for it.
no one SHOULD help me.
and yet, i pray that someone will.
this is the defining moment in my life so far when i can truly say..
i hate myself.
...and mean it.
i need someone to help me sort things out. like a sort of co-pilot that drives my life with me. i just cant seem to grasp that being. or non-being, who knows? not fucking me thats for sure. i'm like an alien to my own life. viewing from the spyglass. what do i see?
i see me. crying and screaming inside. crying and screaming inside. crying and screaming inside. crying and screaming inside. crying and screaming inside. crying jans dsknf md...........
i asked for it.
no one SHOULD help me.
and yet, i pray that someone will.
this is the defining moment in my life so far when i can truly say..
i hate myself.
...and mean it.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
dnaegrsouly sxaey bbay ||
i love love love love love my new layout. was quite 'in the mood' so i decided to change my whole entire layout, update everything including links and about me's.
enjoy <3
enjoy <3
dont break me!
went to school this morning in a prrrty foul mood. not sure why, i just couldn't bring myself to be nice to anyone. i really wasn't bothered. lasted through the whole of chem too. now i say, thats a bloody record! it-whom-shall-not-be-named (according to steph) pissing me off as usual by just being alive. so that REALLY brightened up my day. wanted to get my chem marks today, but i totally forgot. AND my est marks. AND my bio marks. i wasnt in school the day when they gave them out so yeah, am results deprived. i got a lot more As than my PA-THE-TIC mid-year results but it doesnt really count. (they do on bad days though).
steph had the amazing idea of making characters out of all our classmates and four lucky teachers! she got to be spongesteph squareskirt and she made me laila&stitch. the one so far that takes the cake is.....*drum roll*.......
kkksshhh....I AM YOUR BACKSIDE!.......
some of the rest were :-
MegaRong (Megatron of Transformers) for Seng Rong
Keijzilla (go figure) for Kei Jin
CinderIma (if you dont know this just jump off the roof) for Ima
Maz Possible (Disney's Kim Possible) for Mazy
Adri & the GIANT peach (James and the giant peach by Roald Dahl) for Adri. we later resorted to cancelling out the '&' sign.
Timon and Pak Keii (Timon & Pumba of The Lion King) for PakKeii. he doesnt mind, dont worry.
ManChinNian United (Man. U) for ChinNian
Chee Yung Little (Chicken Little) for CheeYung
SpiderMung (Spiderman. or Spiderpig if you wish) for YeeMung
and for ONE of the FOUR lucky teachers...
YOGES ALMIGHTY! (Bruce almighty) for Mr Yoges.
being our physics teacher, we added the tagline 'Let there be acceleration' to his character.
well i thought it was pretty good.
steph had the amazing idea of making characters out of all our classmates and four lucky teachers! she got to be spongesteph squareskirt and she made me laila&stitch. the one so far that takes the cake is.....*drum roll*.......
kkksshhh....I AM YOUR BACKSIDE!.......
some of the rest were :-
MegaRong (Megatron of Transformers) for Seng Rong
Keijzilla (go figure) for Kei Jin
CinderIma (if you dont know this just jump off the roof) for Ima
Maz Possible (Disney's Kim Possible) for Mazy
Adri & the GIANT peach (James and the giant peach by Roald Dahl) for Adri. we later resorted to cancelling out the '&' sign.
Timon and Pak Keii (Timon & Pumba of The Lion King) for PakKeii. he doesnt mind, dont worry.
ManChinNian United (Man. U) for ChinNian
Chee Yung Little (Chicken Little) for CheeYung
SpiderMung (Spiderman. or Spiderpig if you wish) for YeeMung
and for ONE of the FOUR lucky teachers...
YOGES ALMIGHTY! (Bruce almighty) for Mr Yoges.
being our physics teacher, we added the tagline 'Let there be acceleration' to his character.
well i thought it was pretty good.
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
i'm so sick of this nonsense. have some respect for me for pete's sake. geez. i'm the one now looking and feeling like a FOOL when you're out gallavanting with that...
forget it.
i have so much to say to you. so so so much. every single time. but no, it never gets across. ever. hence, I END UP LOOKING LIKE THE FOOL. it's not like i expect something in turn. no, i most definately do not. just stop making me regret sympathising and caring so much. please.
they say i have to stop caring.
they say i have to let you make your own mistakes till you learn.
they say they say they say.
i say i cant. i cant let you keep doing this. like i said, i cant watch a trainwreck. but you never listen.
so what is it that you want from the people you call your friends?
that, my dear, is the bagajillion dollar question.
stop being so oblivious. when you sense there's something wrong, speak up. it hurts when you dont.
so what are you gonna do about it?
forget it.
i have so much to say to you. so so so much. every single time. but no, it never gets across. ever. hence, I END UP LOOKING LIKE THE FOOL. it's not like i expect something in turn. no, i most definately do not. just stop making me regret sympathising and caring so much. please.
they say i have to stop caring.
they say i have to let you make your own mistakes till you learn.
they say they say they say.
i say i cant. i cant let you keep doing this. like i said, i cant watch a trainwreck. but you never listen.
so what is it that you want from the people you call your friends?
that, my dear, is the bagajillion dollar question.
stop being so oblivious. when you sense there's something wrong, speak up. it hurts when you dont.
so what are you gonna do about it?
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
HAHA godzillarr!
school was fun today, had chem in the morning. OMG it was miracle chem ok. i actually KNEW what i was doing. like, all of it. wow. had bio after that. i think there was a mistake in the question tho.
what protein does the red blood cell produce that fights viruses and kills bacteria??
if it's to transport oxygen then its haemoglobin laaa but its to KILL BACTERIA and FIGHT VIRUSES! like wth. i asked megan and sheyna and neither of them knew. sheyna said it might be antibodies and thats what i put. so WHEEEEEEE! well i still dont know fo sure but yeah, WHEEEEEEEEEE! had no papers for the rest of the day so it was good.
played country game with steph, maziah, vinodh and ima during math. so fun. i got 72 points :) its kinda low compared to the rest but thats only cos i missed the first three rounds. after school we had dance. was fun during the end. we might do candyman! haha. we were kinda just fooling around at dance when we finished practicing our routine, making up stupid dances and some of us, CAT-LIKE weird moves. hinthint STEPHANIE.
after dance, went home and got showered and all for bk. got a call from steph's mum on the way there.
"LALA! do you know where stephanie is? she didnt come home.."
haha yes, LALA. that's stephs mum for ya. hahaha. well, it was all because the FREAKO didnt CALL HOME and INFORM her MUM or VIRGINIA or BROTHERS that she was GOING TO BE LATE. she NEVER EVER DOES. her poor mother. i'm gonna kick her (barely-there) butt tmrw.
anyway, like always, tmrw is another story.
what protein does the red blood cell produce that fights viruses and kills bacteria??
if it's to transport oxygen then its haemoglobin laaa but its to KILL BACTERIA and FIGHT VIRUSES! like wth. i asked megan and sheyna and neither of them knew. sheyna said it might be antibodies and thats what i put. so WHEEEEEEE! well i still dont know fo sure but yeah, WHEEEEEEEEEE! had no papers for the rest of the day so it was good.
played country game with steph, maziah, vinodh and ima during math. so fun. i got 72 points :) its kinda low compared to the rest but thats only cos i missed the first three rounds. after school we had dance. was fun during the end. we might do candyman! haha. we were kinda just fooling around at dance when we finished practicing our routine, making up stupid dances and some of us, CAT-LIKE weird moves. hinthint STEPHANIE.
after dance, went home and got showered and all for bk. got a call from steph's mum on the way there.
"LALA! do you know where stephanie is? she didnt come home.."
haha yes, LALA. that's stephs mum for ya. hahaha. well, it was all because the FREAKO didnt CALL HOME and INFORM her MUM or VIRGINIA or BROTHERS that she was GOING TO BE LATE. she NEVER EVER DOES. her poor mother. i'm gonna kick her (barely-there) butt tmrw.
anyway, like always, tmrw is another story.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
cheer 07
seriously man, seventh! its like @**#&@^#&@#*@**(*@#(*@#*(@!!!!! omg.
omg we rock. plus! we have gigs. hehe.
we owe this MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR success of course to JEH YING, our be be beloved captain! and SANDRA CHAN SU EN and ERIC (i dont know his last name), our coaches for coaching and coaching. and coaching. thnks a bnch y gys rwk!
omg seventh. from previously 4TH FROM THE BACK! phew. thats like damn cool. i've yet to get over the omgwegotfrigginSEVENTHoverall fever..as you can see. i dont think i EVER EVER EVER will!
okay, back to the competition..one the first day, we did pretty well. not THAT well lah many schools scored higher. cos.
1. the flyers weren't riding their tosses properly
2. there weren't enough tumbles/tumbles just plain sucked.
the judges were really nice tho. they liked our cross thing! and they commented that it was cute. we received our score sheets, and we were in the top 15!
(i now know that we were actually no.15!)
after day one, we went back to school to practise the routine, tweek it here and there and to perfect it :)
got home at around 7.15pm. was damn tired so stoned for like damn long then went to shower. then slept. and slept.
day two~!
went to school..practiced more and left at around 7 something for jalil. got there, did hair and make up and got ready for the competition. we were 8th to perform cos they reverse it the second day. sheyna, primo, megan, mae, dhayang, jon, gary, jox and noel came to watch! but that was after we performed.. :(
that days' performance was A LOT better than the previous one. says many people. so there.
1. flyers rode their tosses better (and the twists were MUCH MUCH better! go jun wen!)
2. the cartwheels were neater, toes pointed ;)
3. no one stepped on props!
WE GOT ZERO PENALTIES FOR THE SECOND DAY! on the first day we got like, 6 penalties. 5 for stepping on props. san was damn frustrated cos it was really a waste! we were actually not that far from the Silkygirl Merit Award (the award given to the team with the none/the least penalties). sigh. had we not stepped on props..
after all the teams had performed, there were other performances while the judges deliberated. for example. point blanc (??!?!?!??!) and AC Mizal and and and and ANNDDDD CHARM!! everyone was like,"WE WANT CHARM! WE WANT CHARM!" hahaha. hmm imagine..
heheh. oh well, wishful thinking.
ookay getting back to the prgram, CHARM's performance was the ultimate BOMB. needless to say, of course. congrats CHARM-ers! twas a-w-e s-o-m-e, awesome,awesome, TOTALLY!
(cool cheer,btw.)
yeah okay after they performed it was the results time.
1. best newcomer-CALYX ALL-BOYS (Catholic High School)
2. best dressed-STRIKERS (sri KDU)
3. best showmanship-TITANS (SMK Ave Maria Convent)
4. best cheer-MURIEL (SMK Pudu)
5. *Silkygirl Merit Award*-VIVACIOUS
5th place-TITANS again!
4th place-VULCANZ ALL-GIRLS (SMK Seafield)
3rd place-VULCANZ ALL-BOYS (go figure.)
2nd place-SHIRTLIFF (SMK Bintang Utara)
and in SEVENTH PLACE..................
whoooohoooo! went for a celebratory dinner after that at pizza hut bsd. it was also pei wah's birthday so she got a cake and all. and she cried! so sweet.
this whole experience and the whole process has definately created a bond between all of us. the variation of personalities all brought together.
to learn.
to laugh.
to fight.
to cry!
to discover.
to strengthen.
to cheer.
FALCONS--love you girls tons *mwahh xoxo.
seriously man, seventh! its like @**#&@^#&@#*@**(*@#(*@#*(@!!!!! omg.
omg we rock. plus! we have gigs. hehe.
we owe this MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR success of course to JEH YING, our be be beloved captain! and SANDRA CHAN SU EN and ERIC (i dont know his last name), our coaches for coaching and coaching. and coaching. thnks a bnch y gys rwk!
omg seventh. from previously 4TH FROM THE BACK! phew. thats like damn cool. i've yet to get over the omgwegotfrigginSEVENTHoverall fever..as you can see. i dont think i EVER EVER EVER will!
okay, back to the competition..one the first day, we did pretty well. not THAT well lah many schools scored higher. cos.
1. the flyers weren't riding their tosses properly
2. there weren't enough tumbles/tumbles just plain sucked.
the judges were really nice tho. they liked our cross thing! and they commented that it was cute. we received our score sheets, and we were in the top 15!
(i now know that we were actually no.15!)
after day one, we went back to school to practise the routine, tweek it here and there and to perfect it :)
got home at around 7.15pm. was damn tired so stoned for like damn long then went to shower. then slept. and slept.
day two~!
went to school..practiced more and left at around 7 something for jalil. got there, did hair and make up and got ready for the competition. we were 8th to perform cos they reverse it the second day. sheyna, primo, megan, mae, dhayang, jon, gary, jox and noel came to watch! but that was after we performed.. :(
that days' performance was A LOT better than the previous one. says many people. so there.
1. flyers rode their tosses better (and the twists were MUCH MUCH better! go jun wen!)
2. the cartwheels were neater, toes pointed ;)
3. no one stepped on props!
WE GOT ZERO PENALTIES FOR THE SECOND DAY! on the first day we got like, 6 penalties. 5 for stepping on props. san was damn frustrated cos it was really a waste! we were actually not that far from the Silkygirl Merit Award (the award given to the team with the none/the least penalties). sigh. had we not stepped on props..
after all the teams had performed, there were other performances while the judges deliberated. for example. point blanc (??!?!?!??!) and AC Mizal and and and and ANNDDDD CHARM!! everyone was like,"WE WANT CHARM! WE WANT CHARM!" hahaha. hmm imagine..
heheh. oh well, wishful thinking.
ookay getting back to the prgram, CHARM's performance was the ultimate BOMB. needless to say, of course. congrats CHARM-ers! twas a-w-e s-o-m-e, awesome,awesome, TOTALLY!
(cool cheer,btw.)
yeah okay after they performed it was the results time.
1. best newcomer-CALYX ALL-BOYS (Catholic High School)
2. best dressed-STRIKERS (sri KDU)
3. best showmanship-TITANS (SMK Ave Maria Convent)
4. best cheer-MURIEL (SMK Pudu)
5. *Silkygirl Merit Award*-VIVACIOUS
5th place-TITANS again!
4th place-VULCANZ ALL-GIRLS (SMK Seafield)
3rd place-VULCANZ ALL-BOYS (go figure.)
2nd place-SHIRTLIFF (SMK Bintang Utara)
and in SEVENTH PLACE..................
whoooohoooo! went for a celebratory dinner after that at pizza hut bsd. it was also pei wah's birthday so she got a cake and all. and she cried! so sweet.
this whole experience and the whole process has definately created a bond between all of us. the variation of personalities all brought together.
to learn.
to laugh.
to fight.
to cry!
to discover.
to strengthen.
to cheer.
FALCONS--love you girls tons *mwahh xoxo.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
cheer07 clinic
went to the cheer clinic today at around 1.30pm. had to ask cik jannah to take me home first LOL cos i was so kelamkabut this morning and forgot to bring my wallet with me to school. wtf. reached at around..2pm. that was when it was supposed to start so we werent late. did some group stretching and then they asked us to break up into our squads to do stunts.
suddenly our stunts magically turned SO DARN GOOOOOOOD! i guess it was the pressure of being at the clinic and all. but seriously...everyone was so impressed. the judge said we had the best stunts she'd seen all day! but she hasnt seen the teams tomorrow so yeah. it kinda only lasts today. she changed a bit of our cheer moves and we just followed suit cos she's like......the judge wei.
and charm did a basket toss demo and everyone was like WOOOOOOOAHHHHHHHH......SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTT DAAAAAAAAAAMNNN COOOOOOOOOOOOOL OOOOOHMMYYYGAWWWDD! serious okay it was like SOOOO HIGH! and sooooo clean.
after that we learnt a dance that supposedly all the cheerleaders have to perform on the second day. cool dance. we packed up and left after that. got home. damn tired. stoned for a while thinking of that OHMYGOD basket pike then went to shower.
suddenly our stunts magically turned SO DARN GOOOOOOOD! i guess it was the pressure of being at the clinic and all. but seriously...everyone was so impressed. the judge said we had the best stunts she'd seen all day! but she hasnt seen the teams tomorrow so yeah. it kinda only lasts today. she changed a bit of our cheer moves and we just followed suit cos she's like......the judge wei.
and charm did a basket toss demo and everyone was like WOOOOOOOAHHHHHHHH......SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTT DAAAAAAAAAAMNNN COOOOOOOOOOOOOL OOOOOHMMYYYGAWWWDD! serious okay it was like SOOOO HIGH! and sooooo clean.
after that we learnt a dance that supposedly all the cheerleaders have to perform on the second day. cool dance. we packed up and left after that. got home. damn tired. stoned for a while thinking of that OHMYGOD basket pike then went to shower.
Monday, June 18, 2007
oh ants.
i'm back. after only god knows how long. stopped blogging a while before exams i think. well, nothing much to talk about THERE. got shit results. ohmygaawwwd lah been so tired lately, cos of cheer. oh that reminds me..
am scared shitless cos we're not as prepared as we could be for the competition. if everyone had been committed and reliable FROM THE START we would have never come across this damn problem. EVEN NOW, some of them arent serious/committed/taking it seriously. was damn grumpy at practice today, cos of that lah. i mean, come on la, no one wants to make fools outta themselves so why do they act like they dont care?
mhmm. zat is ze MILLION DOLLAR question.
oh well. there's really nothing that would stick, whatever we say or however long the lecture is. some people are just...well, they just ARE. MEGA SIGH. lots of things ruined my day today. i also came to realise, just today, that some things i thought are, just arent under my influence but in reality, against (and i mean TOTALLY against) my better judgement. it disappoints me. and it creates distaste. distaste gile babi. it makes me feel like such a fool for even trying to make things better for others. cos it ends up..well like i said..against my better judgement. so why the hell DO i try?? i dont know. i dont have a choice. i do, but i eliminate the choice of NOT helping/trying. so in the end..i really dont have the choice.
and surprise, SURPRISE! its uckingfay blows up in my uckingfay face.
on to a happier note, we, the PRS society of SSB are running a campaign entitled 'Society~our Sanctuary'. it's a campaign actually originated when we first took part in this competition organised by AWAM (All Women's Action Society) for schools and colleges. this competition is to come up with the best campaign themed : Uniting for Safe Space. our campaign was launched just today. it was cool. the AWAM and celcom reps looked pretty impressed!
hmm what else is going on.
thaddeus left for singapore today for this exhibition thing. coming back on thursday/friday.
oh! gary's party that day was nice. a minor misunderstanding involved but it was good. sorry lah gary, you HAVE to do better to top mine ok? don't worry, there's always the next few years to PRACTICE :) hahaha. really cool rope game tho!
ok, gotta go have a shower now. lol i need something to help me sleep. early. for once. in my life.
am scared shitless cos we're not as prepared as we could be for the competition. if everyone had been committed and reliable FROM THE START we would have never come across this damn problem. EVEN NOW, some of them arent serious/committed/taking it seriously. was damn grumpy at practice today, cos of that lah. i mean, come on la, no one wants to make fools outta themselves so why do they act like they dont care?
mhmm. zat is ze MILLION DOLLAR question.
oh well. there's really nothing that would stick, whatever we say or however long the lecture is. some people are just...well, they just ARE. MEGA SIGH. lots of things ruined my day today. i also came to realise, just today, that some things i thought are, just arent under my influence but in reality, against (and i mean TOTALLY against) my better judgement. it disappoints me. and it creates distaste. distaste gile babi. it makes me feel like such a fool for even trying to make things better for others. cos it ends up..well like i said..against my better judgement. so why the hell DO i try?? i dont know. i dont have a choice. i do, but i eliminate the choice of NOT helping/trying. so in the end..i really dont have the choice.
and surprise, SURPRISE! its uckingfay blows up in my uckingfay face.
on to a happier note, we, the PRS society of SSB are running a campaign entitled 'Society~our Sanctuary'. it's a campaign actually originated when we first took part in this competition organised by AWAM (All Women's Action Society) for schools and colleges. this competition is to come up with the best campaign themed : Uniting for Safe Space. our campaign was launched just today. it was cool. the AWAM and celcom reps looked pretty impressed!
hmm what else is going on.
thaddeus left for singapore today for this exhibition thing. coming back on thursday/friday.
oh! gary's party that day was nice. a minor misunderstanding involved but it was good. sorry lah gary, you HAVE to do better to top mine ok? don't worry, there's always the next few years to PRACTICE :) hahaha. really cool rope game tho!
ok, gotta go have a shower now. lol i need something to help me sleep. early. for once. in my life.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
the original cheerleader
he left, without anyone knowing where he went.
he was, the picture of the spirit of fun.
he made, people laugh & people tear & people angry.
he looked, so lively and carefree you had to envy.
he came, he cheered, he spent..
he left, and no one knows where he went.
//that's right hon, he's not coming back\\
we hope you're okay.
we miss you.
take care, romeo.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
and she returns.
statement of the day. no, scratch that, of the bloody YEAR -
hence the post.
wheeheee! i've felt sort of disconnected from the world, tho i see everyone like within the week. but still, without internet, it's like....a serious culture shock.
oh god. bimbo alert.
anywaaaaaay, i have mid terms in 2 days and what am i doing here? only the almighty knows. SO it's gonna be a real short post. that's if i don't get carried away. i have to sleep soon anyway, got like 4 hours last night ONLY and that doesn't exactly work wonders for me. was up late editing a picture and i just couldn't get it right so i kept changing it and adjusting till i was satisfied. at like, 2am. damn.
got interviewed by the judges from Sunway UC yesterday, on steph's project for the youth leadership challenge. put on my biggest brightest smile and went for it. i was totally not nervous because the judges are really nice people, friendly and everything. so i didn't even bother like, rehearsing what i was going to say. they asked us tons of questions about their project and how it was from our point of view and everything. i didn't lie.
okay maybe i did, just a little. steph knows. it was only to protect the team.
that was yesterday. cheer's going well, i think. we changed song and we're changing tons of the routine so it'll be more KAPOWWW! BANG!!!! BOOOOSSHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
i hope.
we have to seriously train like mad after exams or else we're seriously gonna be doomed. and stunts are no wasy near on par. okay la i'd give us a little credit at least our stunts are waaaaay better than the PLINCONS stunts omgosh. just hope the coach comes regularly to help us out. tho secretly i think we'll do fine in the competition.
okay i'd better go study/sleep/study/yeah study/...? now. more later.
hence the post.
wheeheee! i've felt sort of disconnected from the world, tho i see everyone like within the week. but still, without internet, it's like....a serious culture shock.
oh god. bimbo alert.
anywaaaaaay, i have mid terms in 2 days and what am i doing here? only the almighty knows. SO it's gonna be a real short post. that's if i don't get carried away. i have to sleep soon anyway, got like 4 hours last night ONLY and that doesn't exactly work wonders for me. was up late editing a picture and i just couldn't get it right so i kept changing it and adjusting till i was satisfied. at like, 2am. damn.
got interviewed by the judges from Sunway UC yesterday, on steph's project for the youth leadership challenge. put on my biggest brightest smile and went for it. i was totally not nervous because the judges are really nice people, friendly and everything. so i didn't even bother like, rehearsing what i was going to say. they asked us tons of questions about their project and how it was from our point of view and everything. i didn't lie.
okay maybe i did, just a little. steph knows. it was only to protect the team.
that was yesterday. cheer's going well, i think. we changed song and we're changing tons of the routine so it'll be more KAPOWWW! BANG!!!! BOOOOSSHHHHHHHHH!!!!!
i hope.
we have to seriously train like mad after exams or else we're seriously gonna be doomed. and stunts are no wasy near on par. okay la i'd give us a little credit at least our stunts are waaaaay better than the PLINCONS stunts omgosh. just hope the coach comes regularly to help us out. tho secretly i think we'll do fine in the competition.
okay i'd better go study/sleep/study/yeah study/...? now. more later.
Monday, March 26, 2007
jacq taggggged me.
Each player of this game starts out by giving 6 weird things about themselves.People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own, 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly.In the end, you need to choose 5 people to be tagged and list their names. After you do that, leave them a comment letting them know you tagged them and to read your blog.
1. i wake up an hour before i'm supposed JUST so i know i have one more hour to sleep.
2. i freak out when i lose my hair tie.
3. i HAVE to listen to music while i sleep.
4. i arrange my pillows/soft toys in the same arrangement every night before bed.
5. i HAVE to brush my teeth before i bathe.
i am taggingg :
1. staphaanie.
2. justin
3. LL
uhh. i cant think of anyone else :)
1. i wake up an hour before i'm supposed JUST so i know i have one more hour to sleep.
2. i freak out when i lose my hair tie.
3. i HAVE to listen to music while i sleep.
4. i arrange my pillows/soft toys in the same arrangement every night before bed.
5. i HAVE to brush my teeth before i bathe.
i am taggingg :
1. staphaanie.
2. justin
3. LL
uhh. i cant think of anyone else :)
Friday, March 16, 2007
love ya'll long time :)
great friends last forever. no one can deny. i've had/have many great friends and i'm OH-SO-THANKFUL. really. i'd never pull through without you guys...
the bestest bestest friends i've ever had. through every hard time, through joyous occasions, through countless fuck-ups, (i might as well add through all the blistering heat and harsh winds yada yada yada) yeah, they've always been there.
lynli&sarah i've known since forever. since we were in diapers. one vague memory, we had an arts and crafts phase with our mums. remember the FELT?! hahaha i know lynli still has her greenfeltfrogg lol. (i think you still have it..it was on your fridge at your old hse ;) i also remember a.husna's (sarah's mum's) SPECTACULAR birthday cakes. (she made them, not had them). for one of lynli's birthday's in school, a.husna made a castle cake from scratch with the towers and evrything and it was the pinkest pink and it was sooooo cooooool! sarah had one too if i'm not mistaken. omgggg so pretty.
i also remember, we made a promise one night after lynli's bday dinner at secret recipe.
i won't mention it here, if you guys dont remember, just ask me :)

megan, we've known each other since i was in std 1. the first day we met, i remember walking from my hse to yours, after you guys came over. haha. everytime i went over to your hse, we'd probably do something wacky like making the infamous moon-rock cookies (LOL!) or making necklaces and bracelets or or or making corn doggs or stuff like that. real randomness it was. then we'd have sleepovers and talktalktalk (a lot about IT, if you remember who IT is lol.) and say goodnight manymanymany times and continue talking and talking and talking. lol then we'd finally fall asleep. haha NOW, we get together, laughlaughlaughlaugh/gossipgossipgossip/protect you from jolie/talk in weirrrrrd ass bm/laughlaugh more/you being my financial advisor/laughlaughlaugh more. life is good :)

jacq *explosion*. yeah, thats what you get whenever she's around. *explosion*. BAMBOOOMMMMMMKAPISSHHHHHHHHHBANNNGGG! an explosion of excitement, i mean. it's just so much fun. i remember one time we met in church..i saw you and you said," ehhhh! same school!" and i was like, "yeah!". haha we started out in ssb then SOMEBODY left. haha yehh you know i'm never gonna let you fuhhget it! well yeah i know it wasnt your fault. but after (most of) your batch left, it was/is pretty much booooring. omggg we had so much fun in school! especially in the weird dance we were in. the onetwostep+hollaback+punjabi friggin mc dance! haha damn funny looking back now. and we were just talking about it that day. i'm so greatfuland now, EXCUSE ME BUT OUR SWIMMING DATE IS WAY WAAAAAAAAAAAY POSTPONED. damn potong stim la that day, wanna swim then it rained.

steph. when you came back in form 1, everyone was like...OMG IS THAT STAAAAPHANIE??? then i remembered that you were due to come back and i was like...hey, it is! omg your bm in form 1 was hilarious. reading your essays was like reading a bm text book..
lol. you know it slaaave. these years of secondary school have been really spiced up by you being here. you KNOW i'd be in HELL right now if you hadnt come back. cos of you know who. so you pretty much saved my life. my fooodie friend, our food blog is seriously tak jadi. we better buck up! we have the profile pics and everything! lol. so yeah, basically, my partner in crime, my slave, my loser, one of my bestest friends in the world.

you guys have put more meaning in my life than i can ever imagine. seriously, i dunno what i'd be without you all.
love ya'll long time.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
how dare you.
i dont believe how conniving some people actually are.
did something unbelievably wrong & hurtful?
what do you do about it?
take responsibility.
you sneak round the back.
you expect to be forgiven. poof!
but i'm here to tell you
that you're sadly mistaken, buddy.
that's right.
sadly, sadly mistaken.
did something unbelievably wrong & hurtful?
what do you do about it?
take responsibility.
you sneak round the back.
you expect to be forgiven. poof!
but i'm here to tell you
that you're sadly mistaken, buddy.
that's right.
sadly, sadly mistaken.
cos you're not getting out of it unscathed again.
" sepandai-pandai tupai melompat, akhirnya jatuh ke tanah juga."
go back to school.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
impressive shit.
went to school this morning half asleep. was given this super-omg-explodingly-WHOOOOOOO! sour mango sweet. thats pretty much what woke me up. asked ruhana for help on how to drink from the new bottle i got, cos mum couldn't figure it out yesterday either. found out (from azarea later in the day) that it had to be kinda turned around to be drank from. if you can empathise with how incredibly bimbo i felt at that moment, you'd wear a paper bag over your head to metaphorically cover the shame. serious shit. there was me, trying my hardest to succcckkk and pourrr the water into my mouth when all i had to do was kinda turn it around. *whacks self on the head repeatedly* so yeah, we had choral sp practice today THREE TIMES! we're getting pretty good. i never thought i'd say that. mrs liew is the bomb diggity. we're going for a competition next wednesday at cempaka cheras. hope we get into the top 6 schools. we get to compete for zone if we do!
nothing mind blowing happened in school today. had a whatthehellisthisshitcrap add math lesson. that sentence kinda explains itself dont you think? anddd...what else? oh we had cheer after school. coach was supposed to come but she cancelled due to some 'emergency'. so she's coming tomorrow. cik jannah's coming back tomorrow too! to settled some things + handle the cheer and the coach. got steps for the cheer today. jeh ying taught us. pretty cool steps. not dance-ish more cheer-ish. didnt do stunts today cos it rained and the grass was wet. we need a proper gym so we don't have to rely on good weather for a holistic practice.
besides school, am preparing for a fellowship event this sunday. NOBODY has confirmed but in the words of my oh-so-optimistic co-pilot jacq, "ah most of them wont even confirm and'll just pop up there. trust me.." so yeah, am hoping for the best. cos this activity is gonna be so cool. seriouslyy. am pretty impressed with my
cos they rockrockrock! however obsessed megan is with her rocks, and jacq with her dried leaves. not forgetting BEEEE and ADRIAAAAAAAN (!) refer to bee's blog for the adrian story :)
and the "manpower" of the comm : ashwin and thad. emphasis on the " ".
so about the activity on SUNDAY the 4TH of MARCH 2007 :
calling all KAYM youths
for 'The race of the cross'
it's gonna be a complete BLAST!
nothing mind blowing happened in school today. had a whatthehellisthisshitcrap add math lesson. that sentence kinda explains itself dont you think? anddd...what else? oh we had cheer after school. coach was supposed to come but she cancelled due to some 'emergency'. so she's coming tomorrow. cik jannah's coming back tomorrow too! to settled some things + handle the cheer and the coach. got steps for the cheer today. jeh ying taught us. pretty cool steps. not dance-ish more cheer-ish. didnt do stunts today cos it rained and the grass was wet. we need a proper gym so we don't have to rely on good weather for a holistic practice.
besides school, am preparing for a fellowship event this sunday. NOBODY has confirmed but in the words of my oh-so-optimistic co-pilot jacq, "ah most of them wont even confirm and'll just pop up there. trust me.." so yeah, am hoping for the best. cos this activity is gonna be so cool. seriouslyy. am pretty impressed with my
cos they rockrockrock! however obsessed megan is with her rocks, and jacq with her dried leaves. not forgetting BEEEE and ADRIAAAAAAAN (!) refer to bee's blog for the adrian story :)
and the "manpower" of the comm : ashwin and thad. emphasis on the " ".
so about the activity on SUNDAY the 4TH of MARCH 2007 :
calling all KAYM youths
for 'The race of the cross'
it's gonna be a complete BLAST!
Friday, February 23, 2007
what's wrong with people and waiting these days? keep me up till wee fcking hours because you cant wait for me.
so now i know how far your "love" goes.
i'm sorry. i'm angry. i dont mean to diss you i just need you to know i wont forget.
cos it's in black&white.
so now i know how far your "love" goes.
i'm sorry. i'm angry. i dont mean to diss you i just need you to know i wont forget.
cos it's in black&white.
Monday, February 19, 2007
there's ONE thing i hate about some people. how they cross analyse.
a piece of advice to those of you who enjoy cross analysing others:-
it becomes a second nature. it hurts. it dents relationships. it just sucks.
so DON'T.
a piece of advice to those of you who enjoy cross analysing others:-
it becomes a second nature. it hurts. it dents relationships. it just sucks.
so DON'T.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
weird day.
woke up at about 9 something today. hoped i'd feel the least bit better but no, not really. went downstairs for breakfast with the familay. ate didnt talk much. went to KIZ SPORTS bsc after that. linah and caitliyne's day out. as a post birthday treat for caitliyne. (fyi they're my cousins. 5 and 2 respectively.) hence, the KIZ SPORTS.
see, it's one of those play areas like twinkles last time with the HUGE enclosure for climbing&sliding and what not. so naturally, i didnt expect i'd get involved in the aforementioned.
life is like a little child jumping out from behind a bush going "BOO!"
it surprises me. i soon found myself climbing&sliding and what not along with the two mak neneks. i went two rounds then i got tired. lol. we left about 2 hrs later. went for physio at 4. see the title of my post? yeah it's cos of this mainly. okay i'll start at the beginning.
went to see a sports doctor yesterday to investigate the pain in my tailbone. turns out it's a slip disc in the lower spine. hence the emo-ness yesterday. this means:
1. no sports for a month.
he specifically said so. arrhghghghghhg so fuggin convenient nay?? so yeah, no cheer. i'll still go for dance but no heavy stuff. and so went for physio today. was damn weird. first they put some sticly thingys down yr legs and these thingys vibrate okay. so it feels like yr leg is being electrocuted. then they did the ultrasound on my back. with the coldcoldcold gel. it got warmer tho. then they put more sticky thingys on my back and did this ice treatment thing.
the ice was so cold, it was hot.
seriously. had it on for 15mins. that was all. it was okay, better than i expected but it was just too weird. too much weirdness in a day doesn't do a person good.
and OMFG la. steff wasnt chosen for choral for the STUPIDEST REASON IN THE WORLD. wont reveal but yeah GOSH IT PISSES ME OFF. poor girl. poor me! poor us! ahh shyitt!
there's something i need to find out and i need to find out NOW but lyn li isnt replying meeeeeee! i need to know! i guess i'll ask her later i'm seeing her anyway. if my hypothesis is correct, it is a very small world. and it gets smaller.
(the usage of word 'hypothesis' shows the overdose of 4 sci 1.) gosh i need a holiday. gahh! and i lost my hair tie for the 83583865893658365836523568924658942nd time.
woe is me.
oh yeah and yknow that thing supposedly called love,
is currently bola-ing in singapore. if the game isnt on now, stop being a bitch and reply me can not? please&thankyou.
nah just kidding. i love you :)
see, it's one of those play areas like twinkles last time with the HUGE enclosure for climbing&sliding and what not. so naturally, i didnt expect i'd get involved in the aforementioned.
life is like a little child jumping out from behind a bush going "BOO!"
it surprises me. i soon found myself climbing&sliding and what not along with the two mak neneks. i went two rounds then i got tired. lol. we left about 2 hrs later. went for physio at 4. see the title of my post? yeah it's cos of this mainly. okay i'll start at the beginning.
went to see a sports doctor yesterday to investigate the pain in my tailbone. turns out it's a slip disc in the lower spine. hence the emo-ness yesterday. this means:
1. no sports for a month.
he specifically said so. arrhghghghghhg so fuggin convenient nay?? so yeah, no cheer. i'll still go for dance but no heavy stuff. and so went for physio today. was damn weird. first they put some sticly thingys down yr legs and these thingys vibrate okay. so it feels like yr leg is being electrocuted. then they did the ultrasound on my back. with the coldcoldcold gel. it got warmer tho. then they put more sticky thingys on my back and did this ice treatment thing.
the ice was so cold, it was hot.
seriously. had it on for 15mins. that was all. it was okay, better than i expected but it was just too weird. too much weirdness in a day doesn't do a person good.
and OMFG la. steff wasnt chosen for choral for the STUPIDEST REASON IN THE WORLD. wont reveal but yeah GOSH IT PISSES ME OFF. poor girl. poor me! poor us! ahh shyitt!
there's something i need to find out and i need to find out NOW but lyn li isnt replying meeeeeee! i need to know! i guess i'll ask her later i'm seeing her anyway. if my hypothesis is correct, it is a very small world. and it gets smaller.
(the usage of word 'hypothesis' shows the overdose of 4 sci 1.) gosh i need a holiday. gahh! and i lost my hair tie for the 83583865893658365836523568924658942nd time.
woe is me.
oh yeah and yknow that thing supposedly called love,
is currently bola-ing in singapore. if the game isnt on now, stop being a bitch and reply me can not? please&thankyou.
nah just kidding. i love you :)
i dont know if anyone feels this, but i certainly do. it seems as though everytime i'm feeling real hopeless, and i'm near a radio, all the songs they play make sense to how i feel. song after song, it tells a story about how you're feeling, why you feel it, and not to give up. it's happened to me countless times. maybe it's my imagination..or maybe i'm really listening for a change. it gets me really emotional when i feel like NO ONE IN THE WORLD knows how i feel, and yet it's live on-air. ironic no? that's what's really strange, in my eyes. it seems as though the answer is so simple. but what is it that makes it hard? it's the fact that i don't let it be easy. i crave a challenge. but when i get a challenge, i regret it and i cannot for the life of me, handle it. my first instinct when i feel down and hopeless : SORT IT OUT. DON'T LET ANYONE SORT IT OUT FOR YOU. so i have to sort it out.
i have to be the hero in my story.
let's just hope the hero saves the day.
and lives happily ever after.
i have to be the hero in my story.
let's just hope the hero saves the day.
and lives happily ever after.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
shoulderTOshoulder till justice prevails.
takes so super long to get home from school now cos i'm in a diff bus! ahhhh and a new driverrr. omgg the journey home is like prolonged to the maxx. an hour to get home when i live 5mins away. gossh. oh well, this is what 2007 brings then.
grin&bear it. thats all i can do.
nigello proposed starting a dance club in school. and its a prrty awesome idea i think. so i'm backing him up. he knows a dance teacher and everything! i cant wait for it to finally be put in action. we talked to pn parimala and she's agreed to head it but we gotta do most of the logistics and technicalities. but that's not a problem, after all we gotta be independant and not depend on her to run the show now can we? then we talked to mr george and he agreed to talk to the dance teacher and hopefully they'll make a deal of some sort. hoping & praying so hope and pray with me! haha really excited. we even have something planned for anugerah. yesh very the excitingg! so thats what's been on my mind these past few days.
omg today was quite scary..mr yoges was relieving our class cos mr george wasnt there. and prefects go out early for recess or lunch, and all the prefects in our class were like getting up to go. and one even went out already..so steff and i went out la. actually it was kinda our bad la cos we didnt like, tell him that we were going out and we just kinda waltzed out (oops). so then we were waking, then mr y started shouting! he asked us why we were going out and ask some of the others to call us back. then he yelled at us...and...
all the other prefects from class werent allowed to go out early..
yes la, ashamed okay see the tiny font ^
then we waited la. damn quite cos we were kinda in the dog house. then a while later he let us go out. we could finally breathe then. i hope he didnt tell the discipline teacher about us. it was an accident really! we thought he knew we were going out...
oh well, it's okay now. WE WONT DO IT AGAIN.
grin&bear it. thats all i can do.
nigello proposed starting a dance club in school. and its a prrty awesome idea i think. so i'm backing him up. he knows a dance teacher and everything! i cant wait for it to finally be put in action. we talked to pn parimala and she's agreed to head it but we gotta do most of the logistics and technicalities. but that's not a problem, after all we gotta be independant and not depend on her to run the show now can we? then we talked to mr george and he agreed to talk to the dance teacher and hopefully they'll make a deal of some sort. hoping & praying so hope and pray with me! haha really excited. we even have something planned for anugerah. yesh very the excitingg! so thats what's been on my mind these past few days.
omg today was quite scary..mr yoges was relieving our class cos mr george wasnt there. and prefects go out early for recess or lunch, and all the prefects in our class were like getting up to go. and one even went out already..so steff and i went out la. actually it was kinda our bad la cos we didnt like, tell him that we were going out and we just kinda waltzed out (oops). so then we were waking, then mr y started shouting! he asked us why we were going out and ask some of the others to call us back. then he yelled at us...and...
all the other prefects from class werent allowed to go out early..
yes la, ashamed okay see the tiny font ^
then we waited la. damn quite cos we were kinda in the dog house. then a while later he let us go out. we could finally breathe then. i hope he didnt tell the discipline teacher about us. it was an accident really! we thought he knew we were going out...
oh well, it's okay now. WE WONT DO IT AGAIN.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
omggg i'm trying to express blog today and it just has to load sooooo superr sloww. today was kinda fun. actually quite fun la. we were supposed to run 5 rounds round the school today!
(i cheated. sshhh. i only ran 4)
haha but i ended with steph so no one suspected a thang! yeah lucky she came ONE ROUND FASTER THAN ME. quite the malu. lol but i cheated anyway so who cares. haha! so then after that sat around for a bit then went for pe.
arrrghhh! and the punishment was SIT UPS! but not that bad la only 15 hahaha. but halfway through, my tailbone started to hurt like seriously bad. i thought it was nothing la cos i dunno it was just painful. then after that i got up to walk to the courts...it was like....omfffffgggggg OUCCCCHHHHHH LAAAAAAA!
well, in my mind. duhh.
then everyone was playing netball and i didnt play cos it was soooo blooooday painful. not that i was pining to play also la. i can live without netball. (view previous posts!) yeah so then after that we got bored then NIGELLO came with his bball! and we were throwing it to each other. and he said we werent catching the ball right, so he taught us how to catch properly. nearly got my braains knocked right outta my head a few times. lol. yeupp powwwer!
then steph and i went to the bball court and started dancing (lol) dont ask it's just one of those spontaneous things. the waltz, saaaalsa! , chinese&indian&malay , haha THAI , balinese, you name it, we did it. haha then we did the wheelbarrow thing. (she was the wheelbarrow duhh theres no way i'm getting on the ground)
and all this cos it was quite boringg. then we went for recess. to change, then to recess. the rest of the day was prrty okay.
(i cheated. sshhh. i only ran 4)
haha but i ended with steph so no one suspected a thang! yeah lucky she came ONE ROUND FASTER THAN ME. quite the malu. lol but i cheated anyway so who cares. haha! so then after that sat around for a bit then went for pe.
arrrghhh! and the punishment was SIT UPS! but not that bad la only 15 hahaha. but halfway through, my tailbone started to hurt like seriously bad. i thought it was nothing la cos i dunno it was just painful. then after that i got up to walk to the courts...it was like....omfffffgggggg OUCCCCHHHHHH LAAAAAAA!
well, in my mind. duhh.
then everyone was playing netball and i didnt play cos it was soooo blooooday painful. not that i was pining to play also la. i can live without netball. (view previous posts!) yeah so then after that we got bored then NIGELLO came with his bball! and we were throwing it to each other. and he said we werent catching the ball right, so he taught us how to catch properly. nearly got my braains knocked right outta my head a few times. lol. yeupp powwwer!
then steph and i went to the bball court and started dancing (lol) dont ask it's just one of those spontaneous things. the waltz, saaaalsa! , chinese&indian&malay , haha THAI , balinese, you name it, we did it. haha then we did the wheelbarrow thing. (she was the wheelbarrow duhh theres no way i'm getting on the ground)
and all this cos it was quite boringg. then we went for recess. to change, then to recess. the rest of the day was prrty okay.
Friday, January 19, 2007
friday blues.
i dont know why i keep playing along. when all you do is hurt me over and over again. maybe making me angry and making me bitch about it covers up the hurt i feel. i don't know. i've known you for years and yet you don't get it. i've dropped countless hints. somedays are good days, during which i feel like hating you less..but these don't come easily anymore. today was a good day. today i felt what it would be like if we were best friends without a care in the world. if i didn't know better, we would be. OH-SO-SUPERFICIALLY. that's what we have, you know? superficiality. all of what we have is fake. a lie. a joke. it's pathetic. but why? because i'm afraid, and you're oblivious. i hate seeing everything in people. i hate being the middle person in a situation where two other people are oblivious. that's what it was like. was. now you're the only one oblivious, everyone else has seen it but you. why is it so difficult to see? you want to see what everyone else sees?
try it, it's called a mirror.
try it, it's called a mirror.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
smack THAT.
past few days have been SHYITTT.
(haha i like doing these BECAUSE blogs a lot)
1. been quite sickk.
2. mum's away for business.
as you can see, i'm still here.
so yeah, she's off having a fab time and all. she's there for like 10 days and shes only working for 3. so all those excess days, she'll be roaming the city with her friends shopping&shopping.
and shopping.
fyi, this post may be a little shallow of me in readers' eyes. but for those who know me close&personal, you know that this is a major catastrophe that i'm not there with her in the fuggin' fashion capital OF THE WORLD.
SEE ALSO:"deprived-shopaholic-living-miles-away-from-her-calling-and-gets-so-close-but-it-slips-thru-her-fingers-because-her-mother-didnt-take-her-along-and-thus-her-days-have-been-
(haha i like doing these BECAUSE blogs a lot)
1. been quite sickk.
2. mum's away for business.
as you can see, i'm still here.
so yeah, she's off having a fab time and all. she's there for like 10 days and shes only working for 3. so all those excess days, she'll be roaming the city with her friends shopping&shopping.
and shopping.
fyi, this post may be a little shallow of me in readers' eyes. but for those who know me close&personal, you know that this is a major catastrophe that i'm not there with her in the fuggin' fashion capital OF THE WORLD.
SEE ALSO:"deprived-shopaholic-living-miles-away-from-her-calling-and-gets-so-close-but-it-slips-thru-her-fingers-because-her-mother-didnt-take-her-along-and-thus-her-days-have-been-
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
this shall be the sixth :)
jeez i just realised that i have ONLY FIVE POSTS. sorry readers (perasan-ness :p). haha. well school's started and its quite a change from previous school starting days. it's a whooooole different ball game. different requirements/standards/pressure/fun! yeah, there still IS fun. and hey, its only like the first week of school. but yeah, theres fun and there will be throughout the year!
today was a funny day. and a TIRING day. we ran 3 rounds round the whole entire school as practice for x-country. omgg la. after i finished, like a dumbdumb i sat down immediately. then my legs, omggggg started to itch like MADDDD! from my knees downwards. felt like ripping them pants off! seriouslyy kay. then after that walked up to the concourse and sat again.. but this time it was okay la not sooooo bad. drank the largest amount of water i've ever drunk at one time. then stephanie (a.k.a SLAAAAAAAAVE) felt really sickk. like she had to puke. but she didnt in the end. i told her to stick her finger down her throat to get it out, cos it's good to get it out right? but she didnt hahha. then after thaaat..had p.e THEORY (omgg useless!) then went
down to the field for the ahemm...PRACTICAL part of it. played netball.
for the 1276374638493994372834671264384th time of my life, in p.e.
sigh. its fun la but PLEASE DONT MAKE US PLAY IT OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. this is a plea from me on behalf of the WHOLE FEMALE COMMUNITY!
ok la maybe just the little community in our class. but STILL!
sigh. well after that went to change and all then had class and all. haha mr yoges is the funniest ever. he teaches physics, and he said the first time..
" In physics, your english all are fluents!"
in normal FLUENT english, might translate to..
"To learn physics, your english must be fluent."
haha funny. his english isnt really that bad at all. just that one spoken line. ironic nay? or maybe he was just doing it for fun, i dunno. (trying my HARDEST to give him the benefit of the doubt here :) so yeah, he's real funny. he carries this scary-ass cane around, not a walking stick cane, but a like...whacking cane. yeah and when he speaks, he sort of yknow, caaaasually swwwings it here and there.
tis super scary. his caaaasual swwwingss are sooo gonna take someone's eye out one day.
yeah thats prrty much the interestings of my day. blogg soon i hope.
today was a funny day. and a TIRING day. we ran 3 rounds round the whole entire school as practice for x-country. omgg la. after i finished, like a dumbdumb i sat down immediately. then my legs, omggggg started to itch like MADDDD! from my knees downwards. felt like ripping them pants off! seriouslyy kay. then after that walked up to the concourse and sat again.. but this time it was okay la not sooooo bad. drank the largest amount of water i've ever drunk at one time. then stephanie (a.k.a SLAAAAAAAAVE) felt really sickk. like she had to puke. but she didnt in the end. i told her to stick her finger down her throat to get it out, cos it's good to get it out right? but she didnt hahha. then after thaaat..had p.e THEORY (omgg useless!) then went
down to the field for the ahemm...PRACTICAL part of it. played netball.
for the 1276374638493994372834671264384th time of my life, in p.e.
sigh. its fun la but PLEASE DONT MAKE US PLAY IT OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. this is a plea from me on behalf of the WHOLE FEMALE COMMUNITY!
ok la maybe just the little community in our class. but STILL!
sigh. well after that went to change and all then had class and all. haha mr yoges is the funniest ever. he teaches physics, and he said the first time..
" In physics, your english all are fluents!"
in normal FLUENT english, might translate to..
"To learn physics, your english must be fluent."
haha funny. his english isnt really that bad at all. just that one spoken line. ironic nay? or maybe he was just doing it for fun, i dunno. (trying my HARDEST to give him the benefit of the doubt here :) so yeah, he's real funny. he carries this scary-ass cane around, not a walking stick cane, but a like...whacking cane. yeah and when he speaks, he sort of yknow, caaaasually swwwings it here and there.
tis super scary. his caaaasual swwwingss are sooo gonna take someone's eye out one day.
yeah thats prrty much the interestings of my day. blogg soon i hope.
Friday, January 05, 2007
a slap back to reality.
once in a while. a slap back to reality is good. once in a while. it humbles you. once in a while. it hurts. once in a while. it calms the seas when all is well. once in a while.
and all, almost always, is well.
love u loads j. always and always <3
and all, almost always, is well.
love u loads j. always and always <3
a sprinkle of jacq.
u see your name now?
u see your name now?
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